Very truly said
as you've read
it required your
attention to be paid
It is the understanding
between the two souls
with a similar thoughts
moving towards same goal.
They never can understand
if performing different roles
and will always behave like
the "South" and "North poles".
©Dr. Satish Ch. Srivastava, 20160903
(Saturday, 03rd September, 2016 at 07:57 am IST)
The author reserves all rights and privileges to this work .
Very truly said
as you've read
it required your
attention to be paid
It is the understanding
between the two souls
with a similar thoughts
moving towards same goal.
They never can understand
if performing different roles
and will always behave like
the "South" and "North poles".
©Dr. Satish Ch. Srivastava, 20160903
(Saturday, 03rd September, 2016 at 07:57 am IST)
The author reserves all rights and privileges to this work .
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