Wednesday, 21 September 2016


This Poem is composed by me, on behalf of our friend +jennifer Gilbert​​​​​ on the occasion of blessing a grand - son to her  as She urged me to write something on "A GRANDMA".

So, my dear friends, 
this is the outcome (on behalf of facts and figures provided by 
+jennifer Gilbert​​​​​​ ) before you, to go through and judge, how much have I succeeded in my Moto. Here is my Creation..........


I still recall my last year's 
function at Christmas Eve
Dominique with her husband
have assembled at residence
to enjoy their holidays with me.

How happy were all of we
listening arrival news of thee
as a boon gifted by X-mas tree
The Lord has blessed in lap of me.

After counting 240 days so hard
the most awaited dream for a long
was seeming so close to come true
each n every days of mine before birth
my eyes and ears were just closely stuck
on phone as it was being fixed with fine glue.

It was fire-works at local rock dam
Dominique wished to gaze the view
she felt little uneasiness that evening
while out for shooting snapshots a few
all they rushed hurriedly to MAYO CLINIC
at hand in Chippewa Valley, Wisconsin to sue.

What a dreadful and hesitant scenario
was emerged, when d' doctors declared
d' facts being a (10 lbs.) macrosomic child 
we all were earnestly praying to God for safe 
and successful delivery from the womb so wild.

Ultimately, Monday 11th July, 2016
the rising Sun brought to light a news
at 06:00 am, the best of times to a few
was really a lovely sight to sore our eyes
an Angel appeared from heaven, arrivals due
just a glimpse of thy, I rushed towards U'r ward
many eagerly awaiting people were in the queue.

My joys were just no bounds to listen 
enthusiastic news of new arrival of he
what a pleasant surprise, Dominique !
my dear daughter, You have given to me
I am really blessed now as "A GRANDMA"
with d' birth of this boy, you've gifted to me.

O God, Almighty, I wish to thanks
for the beautiful ending of dilemma
turning this gloomy event into a glory
you've blessed me honor of "A GRANDMA".
"The interest on a Capital is more loving than
principal amount"., Who else knows better than "A GRANDMA"?

No one else knows better than "A GRANDMA",
I felt it closely " ON BEING A GRANDMA "

©Dr. Satish Ch. Srivastava, 20160714 
(Thursday,14th July, 2016 at 12:20 PM IST)
The author reserves all rights and privileges to this work. 

Glossary: ---
*Dominique, is the daughter of +jennifer Gilbert​​​​​​ and the mother of this child 
(Shown in the picture).
*Macrosomic child - An over weighted child 
*MAYO CLINIC - The name of the hospital
*Chippewa Valley, Wisconsin - A place in North Central part of United State.


  1. This shell be charised alwayes in our family. Thank you on a well wrote poem. I asked and you provided. Thank friend.

  2. This shell be charised alwayes in our family. Thank you on a well wrote poem. I asked and you provided. Thank friend.
