Saturday, 27 August 2016



I lost myself
in search of my
own well-wishers
people complaint
on my laughing as
I laugh more & more

In fact I become tired of
hiding my woe any more
happy I am & I am always
trying to keep others happy
though me is more careless
but care too much for others

I know that I am
worthless to many
but in my relationship
people are very precious
they hardly can be diverted
since they are very genuine guys.

I never worry for me
being myself all alone
but I'm fully satisfied that
I have secured such a nice
place in the beautiful heart
of all my friends that on the
last day of my journey to life

when I shall depart to my
sweet peace full graveyard
many a people will follow me
with weeping heart and crying for me

©Dr. Satish Ch. Srivastava 2016
( 23rd April, 2016, at 12: 52pm)
The author reserves all rights and privileges to this work. 

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