O My God, my Lord
I wish to pray Thee
for safety of poor she
...who hasn't seen yet
the light on your Earth.
With Thy bunch of blessings
you send me on the Earth
to me perform my duties
as girl to justify my birth.
Lovely kisses of mine
are praised by my dad
but eyes of cruel world
is full of lust, it's so sad.
You are master the great
D' known creator of world
creator of beautiful nature
though living above d' world.
We girls, thou representative
have come on this world
to create a new world and
obey your order in dearth.
You just save my little sister
expected to come on the Earth
the cruel guys understand not
How the situation will be worst?
How the generations will go on
or world's beauty could be saved
if no feminine will be nurtured
What scenario will be on Earth?
O God, please save d' poor baby
who hasn't seen light on d' Earth.
©Dr. Satish Ch. Srivastava , 20160610
(10th June, 2016 , at 12:25 PM IST)
The author reserves all rights and privileges to this work .
Narration :---
In this poem the theme is considered of Indian society where people are more eagerly awaiting for a boy and willing not to have more girls. The girl child is being killed (at her embryo stage) even before seeing the light of the Earth.
Here the eldest girl (
already having 3 sisters)
praying to God as her mom is on her family way and
expected the
next one.
She learnt that her parents are no more interested in a girl child and planning for her mom's abortion.
So, the girl came out & praying to God as no one else is there to listen her.