Saturday, 19 December 2020

An Excuse - ( An #Invertedhexadaud Poem )

 An Excuse -  ( An #Invertedhexadaud Poem )



O My dear lovely friend

Since I'm still at my learning stage

May be wrong sage

Needed thy suggestions


Improve myself

Seeking support thyself

You're my mentor

I'm a paradox inventor

O My dear lovely friend


©Dr. Satish C. Srivastava, 20180913(03:15am)

#PoetrySCS  An #Excuse 

Hi Friends !

Since it's be my first #Invertedhexaduad

Need not only your appreciation but even critics too.

BLISS OF GOD (A #Sestet Poem)

 " BLISS OF GOD " (A #Sestet Poem)


Morning breeze blowing as to freeze 

Cold and numbness giving me a tease 

Flowers' bloom with rising Sun release 

Changing weather temperature decrease

Showering Heavenly Bliss, mind so please 

Inhale blessings & exhale gratitude please !

©Dr. Satish C. Srivastava, 20201217(09:11am)

#PoetrySCS #BlissOfGod

SUNSET (A #Pleiades Poem)

 Sunset  - ( #Pleiades )


Shinning for day along

Sun is going to set

Setting Sun invites moon

Suggesting us to rest

She is rushing with me

Simply to find her best

Singing song in our nest.

©Dr. Satish C. Srivastava, 20180930(11:40pm)

#PoetrySCS              #Pleiades                #Sunset

In #Pleiades poetry....

Only one word is allowed in the title followed by a single seven-line stanza. The first word in each line begins with the same letter as the title. Hortensia Anderson, a popular haiku and tanka poet, added her own requirement of restricting the line length to six syllables.

Background of the Pleiades: The Pleiades is a star cluster in the constellation Taurus. It is a cluster of stars identified by the ancients, mentioned by Homer in about 750 B.C and Hesiod in about 700 B.C. Six of the stars are readily visible to the naked eye; depending on visibility conditions between nine and twelve stars can be seen. Modern astronomers note that the cluster contains over 500 stars. The ancients named these stars the seven sisters: Alcyone, Asterope, Celaeno, Electra, Maia, Merope, and Tygeta; nearby are the clearly visible parents, Atlas and Pleione.

The poetic form The Pleiades is aptly named: the seven lines can be said to represent the seven sisters, and the six syllables represent the nearly invisible nature of one sister.

No credit for narrative description ( I'm  thankful to Google for the same)


Thinking of you 

How do you do ?

Memories of yours 

Recalling stories more ,

Alluring morning breeze 

Inviting thoughts to store.

Playful rising sun sometimes 

Hiding behind drifting clouds ,

Chirping of singing 🐦birds 🐦 

Flickering in atmosphere loud .

My dreams are coming true 

Pleased, ... how much am I ?

Unable to express my inner joy 😂 

Which I'm getting, recalling memory thy.

(C)Dr.Satish C.Srivastava ,20201214(01:20pm)


 The solitude 

Changes attitude 

It's the time to tribute 

For his great attributes .

In regards to departed soul

Praying for his "rest in peace"

May God allot him d' best role 

Washing out all his painful tease .

(C)Dr.Satish C.Srivastava ,20201214(12:55pm)

#PoetrySCS #Solitude #RestInPeace #Tribute 



Feeling proud on him 

For his decision taken

Surprisingly, he has shaken

So many intellectuals of world 

How precisely decided the whim . 

Feeling proud on him 

For his appreciable endeavor 

For the success of his native favor

He always talk sincerely , never a Claver

The decision taken by him was really clever . 

Feeling proud on him 

A man of handsome personality

Looks so perfect , very slim and trim 

A technocrat , enlighten lights to so many lives

Nation will always feel proud upon his deeds of pride.

©Dr. Satish C. Srivastava, 20201127(08:06am)

#PoetrySCS. #Appraisal 

This rendition of mine is written in appraisal of Mr. Sridhar Vembu C.E.O. and Founder of The Zoho Text , a company that has given employment to thousands of people. A very simple living person, an IITian of Chennai , a social reformer has opened a school in his village for children too after shifting his well established office to India.


Are problems , problematic ?

A burning question arisen in mind ....

Yeah, it is a problem indeed ...

Till we perceive challenging things as a problem .

Don't take the things as problems 

Problems are problematic 

Till you consider it as problems .

The moment you'll take it as challenge 

It'll be an interesting motivational tool

To fight against it , to get out of the mess.

You'll feel an encouragement 

Inner boosting source from your soul 

That will ultimately suggest you  

The solution of yours , as a whole  .

You'll  be able to change destiny 

Moving forward holding your flag

As winner of your well desirous goal .

So, just take all problems as a challenge in your live ,

Fight untill achievement & Enjoy success for better survive. 

(C)Dr.Satish C.Srivastava ,20201220(09:35am)

#PoetrySCS #Problem

Sunday, 13 December 2020


" WHO AM I ? "


Who am I ?

Let's  try 

To find .....

Our own existence 

Purpose of life 

Our presence ....

We came on earth,  why ?

Who am I ? 

Often arises 

The question 

In our minds...

Thoughts flying 

Here and there  

To get a reply ....



So difficult 

To know the truth ,

The inner quest of thirst 

Who am I ? 

What's the purpose of my life?

(C)DR.SATISH C.SRIVASTAVA ,20201202(01:05am)


RELATIONSHIP (A #Tricube Poetry)


(A #Tricube Poetry )


Remember ,

Always in

Relations ....

Things may start 


But ending 

Should always

Be over 

On Smiling ...!

©Dr. Satish C. Srivastava, 20200731(03:56am)



God is Great 


An amazing 

Manager He is 

Managing entire world

Not only our earth 

But even the entire Galaxy.

Great He is 

An Unseen Power 

Whole nature , Planets and

All creatures following His order

Moving / growing naturally as per His wish .

It's very difficult 

To understand His existence 

As He is omnipresent but invisible 

We only can feel His presence and Governance  

Everywhere in everything but can't see as He's not physical .

© Dr. Satish C. Srivastava, 20201206(07:20am)





These worlds were forgotten, 

When I was sitting with you, in chanting 

It was time, when there was love,  

I entangled in full swing of my batting .

Entwined with thoughts of thine

Sitting alone with myself, recalling old guilt

Trying to forget , teasing woes of mine

Inside a closed room resting in the quilt .

There are inexplicable tears

Snuggles with unforgettable smear ,

Counting sufferings suffered in my life 

Realising, how difficult is it to survive .

You've searched another love for you 

I'm sitting alone by myself, longing with you 

Earnestly awaiting for the time to come 

That often heals the wounds of yesterday.

©Dr. Satish C. Srivastava, 20201206(04:55am)





Oh so sorry for your saddened story 

Forget about that false foolish glory ,

You decorated in your tender heart 

Really, a foolish act from your part .

Who doesn't want to attend you any more 

Seems he's not in love with you, it's dead sure ,

Let me advice an adorable suggestion to assure 

You should rush behind the guy , who loves you pure. 

Wake up my child ! from sleeping so deep

There's a lot you need to sow seeds to reap ,

A bright future is awaiting you ahead so long  

Awaiting for to welcome you with loveliest song .

Life isn't a bed of roses, it's like bitter medicine doses !

Here, a man proposes his best, but unfortunately God disposes !! 

© Dr. Satish C. Srivastava, 20201130(06:50am)


WHO KEEPS .... NOW A DAYS .... !

 " WHO KEEPS .... NOW A DAYS .... ! "


Who keeps raw houses in the city of stones ....

Who keeps the skylight for air ? 

................... Now a days …! 

If one gets free time from the quarrel of his home, then he would listen … 

However, who puts 'ear' on a foreign wall ?  

................... Now a days …! 

Everything is available on installments in my city ...

Who keeps restriction on the longing wishes ? 

................... Now a days …! 

The parents are left in the old age home ...

Who keeps old things in the house ? 

................... Now a days …! 

Everyone sees a dishonest person in others ... 

Who believes honest himself ? 

................... Now a days …!

©Dr. Satish C. Srivastava, 20201127(11:40pm)




Dawn to dusk 

One by one ....

Days flying on 

Just like husk 

Gone in the air .

Slowly and slowly

Life rolling down 

And approaching

Mixing to dust .

Flickers my heart 

Willing to rush 

Mind creating 

A lot of Fush

Dawn to dusk.

©Dr. Satish C. Srivastava, 20201201(09:11am)




That's so truly said ...

Joyous moment of life 

Should always be shared 

To keep memory everlasting 

One must always stick adhered.

If you're sharing with others

The happy moments of thee 

Chances of enhancing doubly 

D' joy in life, making memorable

The pleasurable moment of glee.

So, one should always share 

His happy moments of glee 

With each N every near N dear  

Forgetting all bitter dispute of life 

And compromising the existing plea. 

©Dr. Satish C. Srivastava, 20201119(08:55am)


 #structured #Structure 



Feeling very sad 

Failing to get sunlight,

Finding it so difficult 

Flowers blooming bright .

Funny joyous moments 

Failed fairy dreams,

Fall of lamenting segments 

Finding it's highest extreme . 

Fresh air availability 

Fact becomes reality 

Fire of desire negativity 

Failing sustainable creativity. 

Fall of failure

Finding very sure

Foundation impure 

Fixes your failure sure .

(C)Dr.Satish C.Srivastava, 20201118(08:30pm)




The time

Once it's gone   

It's gone forever ,

We can't get it on ...

Possibilities ... Never ...

What can we do, just only 

Make the best of , what we've 

The best possible way in our favor .

Future ...

Just a dream ,

Only an unseen hope 

We can't sit idly 

Being happy any more . 

"A bird in hand is much better ,

Than two in the bush " it's sure .

So, My Dear friend ! Don't fall on lucrative allure !

Remember ! Just gazing at  

An unseen unfulfilled dream 

Can't be your yields of cream ,

It may give you just a temptation 

And on the basis of simply an allure

None can fulfill his dream or get pleased

Or succeed simply on sleeping imagination .

Making best use of time in hand, best solution ! !

Success needs 

An active participation, 

Day and night , a hard working seed 

To be sown on the field of ideal imagination 

On your designed dream, your whole hearted feed 

Will make the path easy and smooth to ensure lead 

Uprising your flag high flashing you on board of succeed. 

So, I wish to say,  "Make your hay while the sun shines " ! ! !

©Dr. Satish C. Srivastava, 20201120(08:05am)




💖 What happens 💖

🌎 In the amazing world 🌎 

💕 When two hearts 💕

💕 Suddenly meet together .... 💕 

For soulful gratifying 

Their inner urge first ,

To satisfy their best 

Quest, of so long thirst ....

Exchange of thoughts  

And sharing of dreams ,

They encounter a long 

Together, churning cream ....

As best deal with each other

Sharing of thoughts together 

Upon some personal talks 

And something on weather ....

Enjoying their moments happy 

So lightly as lighter than a feather

They try to get their full command 

Understanding each other before full surrender .

What happens 

When two hearts 💕 

Together, ❤ they sing 

A sweet song of love 💘 .

Dancing on same rhythm 

As do , two entwined dove ,

Enchanting in Divine discovery dive 

Avoiding all adoring social device ,

Enjoying their own sweet slice 

Not twice even in a day , but thrice ;

Till their yields of loving pride 

Being gifted as best of God's prize .

(C) Dr. Satish Chandra Srivastava, 20201123(08:00am)




Try to catch 

The inner voice

That speaks inside ,

That will always tells you

What's wrong and what's right .

It guides you

The inner voice 

May surprises you 

If attentions are paid 

It'll  never let down to you. 

The inner voice 

Are vibes of your soul 

The song, that sung by heart ,

Is real faithful companion of yours 

That's no one else but your most trusted part .

(C)Dr.Satish C.Srivastava , 20201212(10:42pm)


"Inside Voice"


That's true
D' real vibes
Come through
Your own heart
That's guide you
That very right path
On which U can move
None else can guide you
D' better way for thy future
To move on, as you can do.

Just listen Ur inside words
That will take you definitely
Ahead from the whole world
"Inside Voice" leads U forward.

©Dr. Satish C. Srivastava, 20181212(08:59pm)

This poem was written two years ago