Wednesday, 14 October 2020




Always hold the hands of positivity

Keep yourself away from negativity, 

The moment , a negative thought 

Enters in your mind, it changes a lot .

Your system's functions are affected

Body aura decreases and mind get seized, 

Body releases acid, blood pressure increase

Resistance power dooms, unwanted hormones release .  

Negativity increases your heart beat 

Other's behavior look like a blunder cheat ,

You never appreciate happenings, dislike treat 

Although a man of elite, don't wish a guest to greet.

The positivity takes you up, a head in every lead,

You enjoy winning stages and always get succeed !

So, be positive and keep yourself away from negativity ,

Keep yourself healthy by holding hands of dear positivity ! !

©Dr. Satish C. Srivastava, 20201014(09:42am)

Tuesday, 13 October 2020


 KINDNESS  (An #Acrostic Poem )


Kindness is a language

Indispensable to humanity

Needed mankind at all stages

Demanded for its entity.

Negligence not accepted

Essential tool to society

Sincerity must be dedicated

Survival of the humanity.

©Dr. Satish C. Srivastava, 20181003(04:41)

#PoetrySCS.      #KINDNESS

Sunday, 11 October 2020

A Lady In Life - 2

 " A Lady In Life - 2 "


A lady in life 

To get oneself survive

Why a person is needed as wife ?

A lady in life

An assistant in drive 

A man feels comfortable in his life .

A lady in life 

Is extremely needed

To prolong one's generation alive .

A lady in life 

The motivational force

Often seen behind a successful man in life .

A lady in life

Sometimes takes off peace 

Bringing thunderstorms and makes the hell of life .

A lady in life 

Can prove as a gem of life 

One can feel proud of having a lady, as his wife. 

So , always be choosey a little bit  

Utilizing your grey matter with utmost care 

In your life, when it's a question of " A lady in life ". 

©Dr. Satish C. Srivastava, 20201012(04:10am)

A Lady In Life

 A lady in life  

-------------------------  #A_Lady_In_Life       

I can say..

Just a wow  

To appreciate

A feminine how.... ?

A best Mom to her child

To a foe she becomes wild 

A loving creature to a brother

D' best care taker to her father

Ready to accept kiss of fiance

A passionate lady to her hubby

Always welcomes with smiling face 

Ready to offer her pink cheeks cubby

Whole hearted devotee of her full grace

"A lady needed indeed to a man as wife

Without her existence he has no life."

©Dr. Satish C. Srivastava, 20191012(12:47am)

#Poetryscs. #Aladyinlife

#PoetrySCS.  #PenToReadersHeart

Tuesday, 6 October 2020




Seen failure of various resources

Seen the power of great mind

Either can make you or break you

If by and by you get it rewind

It is up to you, what you choose

The believe system never fail,

It always makes your path so smooth

As the train running on a rail.

You can become strongly mental

That may finally leads you fatal,

Or can become mentally strong

& break through aim with success bond.

Either can have a hopeless end

You're turning to an inactive bend,

Or you can have an endless hope

And climbing on your success rope.

Positivity makes success

Open the doors of all prospects,

Negativity leads failure

You'll certainly fall, it's sure.

Believe in you that you can do

Only solution to your woo,

Believe system that wins the sue

Holding high your flag in the loo.

Nothing is there more powerful

In the world, than your own mind force,

If you wish to get through succeed

In life, imply this eternal source.

(c) Dr. Satish C. Srivastava, 20180607 (05:27pm)

Sunday, 4 October 2020

LOVELY (Part -2) #Elfchen

 " LOVELY .... (Part -2) " - 

an #Elfchen Style Loop Poetry



Way out 

Solve every doubt 

Can easily sorted out 



Simple way 

One to one

You and me sitting 

Together .


An evening 

During tea hour 

While we gain power 



For solutions 

Challenge the great 

We'll derive conclusion , without 

Await .


Causes late 

Meeting to mate 

Our achievements get delayed 

Pray .


To God 

For each plot 

Designed your every slot 

Prey .

Prey ...

Hunting way 

Not easy sway 

It's really hard play 

Trying .


To achieve 

Your deary prey

Again and again, way 

Lovely .

©Dr. Satish C. Srivastava, 20200924(04:15pm)

LOVELY (PART - 1) #Elfchen

 " LOVELY " -( Part -1) 

(An #Elfchen Style Loop Poetry)



Rose flower 

Send by you 

reminds me this hour 

Hue . 


Painted thee 

To heart glee  

Will forget not , me !

Soothing .


Words thou 

To heart clue 

Cools my mind, how ! 

Moo . 


Dreaded plea 

That teases thee 

Explore openly to me 

Options .


Best solution 

For nice dissolution 

Together, we shall find 

Way .....


That leads 

Smooth goal path   

Persuasive with full gay  



We'll achieve 

Desired sweet pride 

In mind, often strikes 



What we 

Together have seen 

Move on life's journey 

Lovely .

©Dr. Satish C. Srivastava, 20200923(09:30am)




Although ,

It's story very short 

Giving the message, 

That certainly means a lot .....

A child was selling flowers 

In a hot summer day , outside temple  

Barefooted in the afternoon , an exceptional example .

People were bargaining for saving little money 

A gentleman saw his feet having no footwear any 

That hurt him so much , he ran away, 

Took the boot from a nearby shop and said, 

"Son! Wear the boot." 

The boy put on the boot quickly, was very happy 

And held the man's hand and said - "You are God !"

The man panicked and said,

 "No..No. Son ! I am not God." 

Then the boy said .....

" Then it's sure .. !

"You will be 

The friend of God 

Because last night, 

I had prayed to God 

That Oh God, 

My feet burn a lot ,

Please give me the boot." 

The man went on smiling 

With wiping water in his eyes,

But he knew that it is not difficult 

To be a friend of God. 

Nature has made two paths 

Either you go by giving,

Or leave all your belongings and go 

There is no arrangement to go with you 

All these materialistic world and treasure 

You're indulge accumulating , whatever few .

©Dr. Satish C. Srivastava, 20200926(10:20am)

EXPLORE - ( An #Elfchen Style Poetry )

 EXPLORE - ( An #Elfchen Style Poetry )



Real avenue 

From heart your

Living God reply you

True .


Life's path 

Desire of heart 

Man wishes to walk 



An individual 

Dreams in heart 

Wishes day and night

Achievement . 


Life's goal   

Easily can gained 

By one's hard work 



Same temperament 

Till the end 

Successfully achievement of aim 

Alive . 


Burn fire 

In the heart 

Finally fulfilment of desire 

Explore .

©Dr. Satish C. Srivastava, 20200930(10:50pm)

SURE - #Gogyohka


Sure !

It's now turn your .

Ensure , learning more  

So that , you too can explore ...

The rendition , best of choice your .

©Dr. Satish C. Srivastava , 20200930(11:40pm)




The cycle of time scale 

Boards us on memory rail ,

A reminder of passed periods ,

How our acts are responsible ;

Whether in life we'll pass or fail ?

The lucrative days of past 

How poisonous state was last !

Our non recoverable golden days , 

The precious moments, quickly spent 

Aimlessly ; now it's being realized very fast .

While I'm recalling my old memories 

Episode happened in life, each stories, 

Reached upon conclusion of the theory ;

How selfish entire world is, a self centered 

Human nature looking upon only for their Glory.

The nature is our best teacher 

Presented by God, The Great Creator ... 

Reminding me, the  departing afternoon Sun 

At the verge of life, the enlightening thought one ,

He is only Well-wisher , guiding our path , else none. 

©Dr. Satish C. Srivastava, 20201001(11:58pm)

HOW CUTE IS HE ! #Gogyohka


How cute is he !

May God Bless His Bliss .

I'm sending just my wishes 

From my end , in the name of God

You please do him a sweet kiss.

©Dr. Satish C. Srivastava, 20201004(06:58pm)

WHO IS GREAT ? A #Ninette poem

 " WHO IS  GREAT ? "

(A #Ninette Poem - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1syllables)



In life 

Are not big 

Healer of wounds 

Are great, alike that 


Is not, but 

Great's , who

Mends .

©Dr. Satish C. Srivastava, 20201004(08:10pm)

PEACE OF MIND - A #Ninette poem


(A #Ninette Poem - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1syllables)



Of mind ,

Gem of life .

Nothing else can 

Do match this treasure .

The great pleasure ,

One should go 

For mind's


©Dr. Satish C. Srivastava, 20201004(08:30pm)